Faith Three Lakes Logo




Sunday School

Sunday School is offered after worship on the 4th Sunday of each month. Children of all ages are invited to join us for songs, activities, and learning about the Bible.


Youth in grades 6th-8th gather for confirmation in the fall with other local congregations to dive deeper into the Bible, Lutheranism, and their faith. Service and fellowship opportunities also happen throughout the year.

Adult Education

Daily devotionals are available for spending time with God at home.
Bible study is offered every Sunday following worship.
Other Bible studies/book studies are offered throughout the year.


Special music is regularly scheduled to supplement worship. This includes solos, choir, and instrumental groups.



The Quilters gather on the lower level of the church each Wednesday afternoon from 12:30 – 3:00 pm. The ladies make ‘tied’ quilts, so not everyone needs to know how to sew. This year alone these volunteers created 85 quilts that were sent off to Lutheran World Relief or presented to our confirmands. Around the world these quilts may be used as covers to keep warm, mats for sleeping upon, or perhaps hung to create walls/wind breaks.



It is our conviction that as Children of God we have been called to serve our Family of Faith, our community of Three Lakes, and our Global Community around the world. Opportunities abound for service and the following are some of the ongoing, regularly schedules activities and events.

Three Lakes Community Garden:
Initiated by Faith Lutheran, this garden is open to all folks in the Three Lakes area who are interested in raising their own produce. Additionally, some areas of the garden are community plots which are tended by volunteers for the purpose of providing produce for the Food Pantry.

Three Lakes Christian Food Pantry:
The Food Pantry is an ecumenical project of the churches in Three Lakes. The churches and other various organizations encourage the donation of food and household supplies. Regularly volunteers gather to help with the distribution of food, offer encouragement, and additional support as needed. Pastors are available to pray with recipients as well.

Fish Fry:
Members of Faith serve as the wait staff for a fish fry dinner.

School Supplies:
As the school year commences, members of Faith Lutheran donate various school supplies for needy children in the community. The Sunday School children and Confirmation students pack them up and present them to 7 different schools.

4th of July Pie Sale:
Members of the congregation make pies to be sold at Don Burnside Park following the 4th of July Parade. Proceeds from the sale are used to support a variety of charities.

Feed My Starving Children:
Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s hungry children in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and they ship the meals to 70 countries around the world.

Lutheran World Relief/Fair Trade:
LWR responds to countries in need efficiently and effectively by providing resources to local partner organizations. They focus on attacking the root causes of poverty and breaking the cycles that keep people from being healthy, productive and self-supporting. Fair Trade foods and gifts are available online.

Lutheran Disaster Response:
When disaster strikes in a community, the local Lutherans are the first form of Lutheran Disaster Response. Every time Lutherans volunteer in service to their neighbors in need following a disaster, they are being led by Lutheran Disaster Response.

Members of Faith contribute immediately needed supplies for foster children upon arrival in a foster home. This includes diapers, underwear, socks, pajamas, and toiletries.

This ministry is a joint project of churches in the area to aid people with immediate needs such as food, electric bills, and medical help. Folks are also provided resources regarding more permanent help.

“Faith-Filled” Weekend Backpack Program
The Weekend Backpack program is up and running at the Three Lakes K-12 & Sugar Camp Elementary Schools.

Launched in 2022, Faith Lutheran partnered with the Three Lakes School District to provide take home bags of child-friendly, easy to prepare non-perishable food items each weekend.

With rising costs, more children live in food-insecure situations, where they may not get enough to eat on weekends. Faith provides a simple and confidential solution to this situation.

Any parents or guardians who would like their child(ren) to participate in the program can contact their school’s teacher(s), principal or pupil counselors at Three Lakes or Sugar Camp schools.

You can help by dropping off needed items at Faith Lutheran, local drop off sites, or make a monetary donation.

Needed Items include:
Fruit cup sand Applesauce (Individual)
Juice Boxes
Soups (canned or microwaveable)*
Chef Boyardee, chili, beef stew*
Granola Bars
Breakfast Bars
Tuna & Chicken (canned or pouches)

SNACKS: must be individual size:
Cheese or Peanut Butter cracker packets
Microwave popcorn

Feeding children is a big job and so we appreciate the generosity of others who step up to help us meet our mission.

Get Involved At Faith Lutheran

As a congregation we encourage all of our members to become actively involved in one or more of our church ministries. We promote Christ-like living, being good stewards of all of our earthly blessings including our time, talents, and treasures. Possibilities abound and the following list is certainly not all inclusive. Check our Stewardship Menu for further details.

serve as a volunteer in one of the various positions for the enhancement of Sunday morning worship.

The Board of Outreach
develops and promotes ongoing efforts of outreach in evangelism and social ministry both in the local community and the church worldwide. The board provides leadership, guidance, and education for the congregation.

The Board of Education
provides leadership and supervision for all educational programs of the congregation. They provide resources for teachers and others in the Christian faith including the study of Scripture, the Lutheran confessions, and Christian living.

The Board of Worship Life
provides leadership and guidance for the congregation in the areas of worship, Christian fellowship, care giving, youth ministry, and spiritual development.

The Board of Trustees
supervises the maintenance and development of the properties of the congregation.

volunteer teams share the responsibility of hosting a fellowship hour following Sunday morning worship. Occasionally teams plan fellow events for members and families of Faith Lutheran.

serve in many capacities including office work, highway clean up, Spring/Fall clean up, teaching, bulletin boards, etc.

Get Involved Globally

numerous opportunities exist for the Faith Lutheran community to donate financially to our church, to the Northern Great Lakes Synod, to the ELCA, to non-profit organizations such as The Gideons, Bread for the World, and Compassion International.

Go and Do
some members answer the call volunteer their time in various areas around the world. Various opportunities present themselves each year both in the United States and in foreign lands. Additional information is available by checking the following links.

United States and in foreign lands. Additional information is available by checking the following links.

Get Involved Locally

Community Garden
participants either rent a plot or help maintain the community plots. All take turns planting, watering, and weeding. Healthy produce is donated from the community plots to the Three Lakes Food Pantry during the harvest season.

Three Lakes Christian Food Pantry
the Three Lakes community donates food and household products to the food pantry. Members regularly volunteer their time to help distribute food and supplies to needy families.

get involved by contributing needed supplies, cooking a meal for a foster family, babysitting in emergencies for foster families, or providing relief time for foster parents.

get involved by taking your turn at The Rock in Eagle River to greet and help those who arrive seeking assistance.

Get Involved: Tanzania

Mini Map of TanzaniaFor over twenty years the Northern Great Lakes Synod has been involved in a “companion synod” ministry with the Eastern and Coastal Diocese of the Evangelical Church in Tanzania. Every Evangelical Lutheran Church in America synod has a companion relationship with a Lutheran church in the developing world. All the twenty dioceses of the Tanzanian church relate to twenty synods of our Church body.

Well over a hundred persons from this synod have in these past two decades traveled into Tanzania to visit congregations, institutions, and people who are a part of the ministry of the eastern coastal Diocese. We have also welcomed well over a hundred Tanzanians who have traveled to our synod. It continues to be a warm, trusting, and powerful relationship. Our congregations and the synod provide financial support of Tanzanians who visit us. We also provide financial resources for some areas of Tanzanian Church life.

Click here to learn more


Faith Lutheran Church
6995 Highway 45 South
PO Box 436
Three Lakes, WI 54562

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